Use our calculator to rank the email service providers by cost
People are often looking for cheap email marketing providers, but many services need to send
transactional emails like welcome emails, password recovery emails, receipt emails etc.
These email providers are primarily offering transactional email, but some of them let you
send marketing emails aswell. There is often a separate pricing model for marketing emails, as
the providers use the concept of storing a contact for your marketing emails. This is not
included in this calculator.
Use our calculator to find the best email service and the pricing of each email sending
service, and find the cheapest one for your email volume.
This is an estimation tool only.The actual bill could be very different. SaaS Pricing is not
responsible for any miscalculations. The prices and terms may be wrong, and may be changed. If
no region is specified, you can assume it's Frankfurt, Germany. SaaS Prices is not affiliated
with the providers in the calculators, unless explicitly stated.