Vercel pricing calculator
This calculator helps you estimate the cost of hosting your website on Vercel based on the number of requests, the amount of memory used, and the time it takes to execute the function. Pagesize, function runtime, and allocated memory may not affect the price of a provider if the provider is based on per request pricing. But if the provider is using runtime based pricing, these parameters will affect the cost of the functions.
20 /mo
Plan: Pro
More info
Why is serverless hosting expensive?
Typically the expensive part of serverless hosting is the amount of function invocations. Complex pages can easily have 5-10 function invocations per visit, i.e. authentication, database queries, data massaging. Serverless hosting breaks your code into functions that are executed when a request is made. The cost of these functions is based on the number of requests, the amount of memory used, and the time it takes to execute the function. Some providers charge per request, some charge per function execution time, some charge per memory used. This calculator helps you estimate the cost of hosting your website on Vercel based on the number of requests, the amount of memory used, and the time it takes to execute the function.
About Vercel
Vercel is a cloud platform specifically designed for frontend developers that provides seamless deployment and hosting for web applications with a focus on modern JavaScript frameworks like Next.js, React, Vue, and Angular. Their hosting service offers global edge network distribution, automatic HTTPS, instant deployments with Git integration, and serverless functions that eliminate the need for managing infrastructure. Vercel excels at delivering exceptional performance through edge caching, optimized asset delivery, and intelligent routing that ensures minimal latency for users worldwide. Their platform stands out for its developer experience with preview deployments for every code change, built-in analytics, and a straightforward workflow that allows teams to ship faster with confidence.
Vercel Hobby plan vsVercel Pro plan
Vercel charges the user per request, runtime, build, bandwidth, and edge usage. The free plan includes 100,000 requests, 100 GB/hour of build time, 100 GB of bandwidth, and 1 million edge requests. The Pro plan includes 1,000,000 requests, 1,000 GB/hour of build time, 1,000 GB of bandwidth, and 10,000,000 edge requests. Additional requests, build time, bandwidth, and edge requests are billed at a fixed rate. Vercel also charges for CPU and memory usage per second, with the Pro plan including 1,000 GB/hour of usage. The Pro plan uses 1769 MB of memory and 1 vCPU per request as standard.
Other services this provider has on SaaS prices:
It can be hard to calculate Vercel cloud hosting pricing
This is why we made our calculators, to help you estimate the costs of using the providers services.
Sometimes the providers deliberately make it hard to get an easy overview of costs and what use cases lead to expensive bills.